
Monday 12/17/2012

1. Coach led warmup 2. “Newtown Prayer” 26-23-20-17-14-11-8-5-2 of: SDHP Between each round 12/14 burpees/double unders For time! To memorialize this horrific tragedy we will perform a special WOD to remember the 26 kids and teachers that lost there lives on 12/14.

Wednesday 12/12/2012

1. work up to 1RM push Jerk 2. 4×5 heavy floor presses, use racks and have a partner for spots. 3. 4 R.F.T. 12 push ups 9 kb swings 53/35 6 HSPU 3 muscle ups (the scale to a MU is 3 ring dips/3 pull ups= 1 muscle up.)