
Wednesday 1/28/2015

Strength 24 min Squat A. Back Squat 3×5 @70% B.Bulgarian Split Squats/ Half Kneeling 3×10 Deadlift A. 1×5 (warm up and complete one heavy set of 5) B. KB Deadlifts 3×10 Workout: 7min AMRAP 10 Thrusters 95/65 KB Thruster or Push Press with KB 30 DU or 90 Singles Pull Ups—progressions 5×5

Saturday 1/10/2014

1.Teams of 2 Do 5 rnds each relay style. One partner completes full round before the other starts 7 cleans 135/95 9 burpee box overs (20′) 11 wallballs (20/14) Once both members have done 5 rounds, rest 3 minutes then, 3k row broke up anyway athlete want.