Monday 06/10/2013 4 Comments / WOD / By PPLAdmin Matty J. 355lb PR 1. Back Squat 1-10 1-20 1-30 total all 6 barbell loads 2. 6 minute amrap 6 squat cleans 135/95 30 double unders then no rest 6 minute amrap 8 wall ball 8 burpee box jumps
Bekah June 10, 2013 at 9:24 pm So good to be back! 🙂 Back squats: 185# x 1, 10 x 135#, 20 x 95#, 30 x 75#. WOD: Cleans/DUs – 3 rounds completed (1st time), 2 rounds (2nd time), RX’d. Wall balls/burpees – 2 rounds each time. Reply
3+6 rounds and 3 rounds
3 rnds +17, 3 rnds +2
215/155, 135, 95
2 rounds + 6
2 rounds + 2
So good to be back! 🙂
Back squats: 185# x 1, 10 x 135#, 20 x 95#, 30 x 75#.
WOD: Cleans/DUs – 3 rounds completed (1st time), 2 rounds (2nd time), RX’d. Wall balls/burpees – 2 rounds each time.