COMP WOD 10/29
1. Hang power clean 5@70% 3@82% 3@85% 2. 3×1 Clean pull 3@90% 3@100% 3@100% 3. 3×5 back squats @75% 4. 7 Min AMRAP 9 thrusters 95/65 30 double unders 2 min REST EMOMx5 10 push ups 10 KBS 53/35
1. Hang power clean 5@70% 3@82% 3@85% 2. 3×1 Clean pull 3@90% 3@100% 3@100% 3. 3×5 back squats @75% 4. 7 Min AMRAP 9 thrusters 95/65 30 double unders 2 min REST EMOMx5 10 push ups 10 KBS 53/35
1. Find a 1RM Push Press 2. 4×3 weighted good mornings 3.FOR TIME Run 800 Row 1000 25 ring dips 25 TTB Run 400 Row 500 25 ring dips 25 TTB 4. 10 TGU each side * choose appropriate weight
1.Front squat 3×5 75% 2. Hang power snatch 5 @50% 3@60% 1@70% 1@70% 3. 8 Min AMRAP 3 pullups 3 wall balls 20/14 3 box jumps 24/20 6 pullups 6 wall balls 6 box jumps 9….. 12… ETC…. 4. Tabata Plank holds
1.Front Squat 3×5 75% 2.Hang power snatch 5 @60% 2×3 @70% 2×1 @75% 3.8min amrap 3 pull ups 3 wall ball 20/14 3 box jumps 20/24 6 6 6 9 9 9 Etc… 4.Tababta plank holds
Monday 10/27/2014 Comp Wod Read More »
Work up to a 3rm power clean Work up to a 3RM Snatch 15 min MRAP 10TTB 16 Overhead walking lunges 115/75 40 double unders
1. EMOMx5 3 snatches 2. EMOM x5 3 clean and jerks touch and go, no misses 3. 6×2 front pause squats 4. 20 min AMRAP 400m run 3 rounds of cindy – 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats
1. Close grip bench press 4×4 heaviest possible 2. ” Short chubby jack” 12 min AMRAP 10 push presses 135/95 10 KB swings 70/53 10 Box jumps 30/24 3.Tabata rowing sprints for max calories rest 5 min Tabata Airdyne sprints for max calories
1. Work up to a 1RM snatch 2. Work up to a 1RM clean and jerk 3.”BREHM” For time 10 15 foot rope climbs 20 Back squats 225/155 30 HSPU 40 Calorie row
1. 10 Back squats 60% 90 sec rest , 7 calorie sprint on Airdyne 5 back squats 80%, 90 second rest, 7 calorie sprint on Airdyne 3 back squats 90%, 90 second rest , 7 calorie sprint on Airdyne 3 back squats 90%, 90 second rest , 7 calorie sprint on Airdyne 2.** Don’t forget