December 2014

Tuesday 12/23/2014

1.Emomx10 2 power cleans, start at 60% and add 10 lbs each minute. If a fail, lower by 5lbs and finish the emom 2. amrap 12 10 c2b 15 kbs 53/35 10 goblet squat with kb 3. Weight planks tabata.

Tuesday 12/16/2014

1. Push press find 20 rep max 2. Push press 2×10 with your 20 rep max weight 3. AMRAPx6 3 strict pull-ups 6 push-ups 9 air squats rest 3 min AMRAPx6 9 wall balls 20/14 6 burpees 3 ring dips

Comp WOD 12/15/2014

1. EMOMx5 5 TNG power clean @70%…TNG!! 2. Back squat work up to a 5 RM 3. Back Squat take 85% of 1. and do 3×5 4.For time 21-15-9 kbs 53/35 deadlifts 185/135 50 DU’s to start, in between, and to end, for example 50-21-50-15-50-9-50 5. 15 min Assault bike :30 hard/:30 easy