April 2013

Monday 04/22/2013

1. EMOM for 6 minutes 2 touch and go snatches @ 70% of 1RM or practice snatch form and progressions depending on skill level. 2. 5 RFT 45 seconds of ME (max effort) C2B (chest to bar) pull ups 15 second rest 45 seconds 5 front squats + 3 push jerks (155/115) 15 seconds rest

Saturday 04/20/2013

1.Partner WOD “Morrison” 50-40-30-20-10 wall ball 20/14 box jumps 24/20 kb swings 53/35 Partition anyway you want. 2. 1 mile run not for time or 2500 meter row

What Did You Eat Today?

How well did you fuel your Ferrari today? Post to comments. This will be an ongoing blog everyday. I am going to add links etc. to help you out. To start be honest and put down what you ate. I am going to do this too! Here we go…..