1. Work up to 1RM box squat
2. A.3×2 clean and jerk from high hang
B.3×2 clean and jerk ground
3. 21-15-9
Dead lifts (225/155)
Sit up
Wall ball
1. Work up to 1RM box squat
2. A.3×2 clean and jerk from high hang
B.3×2 clean and jerk ground
3. 21-15-9
Dead lifts (225/155)
Sit up
Wall ball
Box Squat (PR) 255 #’s
1. 1RM box squat (*18 inch box) — 2 x 225# (6th set), failed at 245#, should have went for 235#!
2A. Clean and jerk from hang position — all three sets at 95#.
2B. Clean and jerk from ground — three sets, with increasing weight: 115#, 125#, 130# (PR!!)
3. Metcon — 8:04, as RX’d.
1. Box squat 200 from 12″ box- I got low!!!!
2. A. 95 x 2, 105 hangs
B. 95, 105, 115
3. 5:41 RX’d