Comp Wod 10/6
1.3×5 Back squats. Hold heaviest across 2. 5RFT 10 power cleans 135/95 10 burpees 3. Snatch 7×1 4. Clean pull to hang clean 4×2+1
1.3×5 Back squats. Hold heaviest across 2. 5RFT 10 power cleans 135/95 10 burpees 3. Snatch 7×1 4. Clean pull to hang clean 4×2+1
In teams of 3 20 min amrap 400m run 5 rope climbs 30 power snatches 75/55 50 thrusters Athlete 1. Starts with run,while 2 and 3 begin on the round. Only one works at a time. When athlete 1 is back from run, athlete 2 runs while 1 and 3 continue rounds. Etc….
Saturday 10/4/2014 Read More »
1.5×7 Front squats 70% across 2.”Elizabeth” 21-15-9 Cleans 135/95 ring dips 3. emomx14 even 15 cal row odd 10 TTB 4. 6×5 C2B pull ups unbroken rest 40 seconds between sets
Active recovery light row/run 60 min Mobility. Try this…
1. 5×7 bench press 2. 21-1-5-9 Deadlifts 225/155 wall balls 20/15 situps 3. 7×2 high hang squat snatch
1. OPEN 11.4 10 min AMRAP 60 bar facing burpees 30 OHSQ 120/90 10 muscle ups 2. 4×1 ME Strict HSPU 2 min rest between sets 3. 4×1 ME strict pullups 2 min rest between sets 4. 10 rounds 25 unbroken double unders
1.Find 1RM Clean 2.4 rounds for time 400m run 15 air squats 15 box jumps24/20 15 air squats 3.Back squats 5×7 4.Split jerks 3×5 No dropping
Filthy 50! For time 50 Box jump, 24 inch box/20 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 Kettlebell swings, 53/35Walking Lunge, 50 steps50 Knees to elbows50 Push press, 45 pounds50 Back extensions50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball/1450 Burpees50 Double unders
1. 8 Min AMRAP 3 HSPU 3 power snatches 95/65 6 HSPU 6 Power snatches ETC…… 2.Rowing Stroke Pyramid 1-15, 15-1 Row hard 1 stroke then 3 easy. 2 hard followed by 3 easy , 3 hard followed by 3 easy, 4 hard, 3 easy etc…to 15 then back down. 3.Front squats 10-8-6-4-2