March 2013

Tuesday 03/19/2013

1. Push press 1×8 65% 1×5 70% 1×5 75% 1×3 80% then 5 push jerks (155/105) 10 burpee box overs 15 KBs 53/35 10 push jerks 20 burpee box overs 30 kbs 15 push jerk 30 burpee box overs 45 kbs 25 min time cap.

competitors 03/16/2013

strength Front squats 2×5 75% 2×3 80% 3×1 90% Overhead squats 5×3 75% across Olympic 5×3 high hang cleans “green beer, lots of cheer” Emom clean pull up ladder 1 clean (95/65) 1 pull up 2 clean 2 pull up 3 clean 3 pull up Etc…

Friday 03/15/2013

Crossfit Open 13.2 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of: 115/75 pound Shoulder to overhead, 5 reps 115/75 pound Deadlift, 10 reps 15 Box jumps, 24″ bo

Fitness Gear!!

Hey guys if you need any Fitness apparel or gear the links for the Reebok Fitness store and Rouge Fitness can be found here. Jump ropes, wrist wraps, sick clothing etc…..

Fitness Open

To those who are competing in the open we are going to run 13.2 on Friday starting at 4 30pm. This will give one extra day to see if there are strategies we can come up with to better your scores!