Tuesday 7.18.17

It’s 1 RM Back Squat Week!  1 Day this week you should test your 1 RM Back Squat and see how much you have improved!  Preliminary observation indicates about 10% bump on most members 1 RM!  Go get it!

There will be WOD’s for each day as well.  Once you have completed your 1 RM back squat, the rest of the week will include bonus mobility work and possibly competitor work as well.


Take 20 minutes to find a 1 RM Back Squat

Mobility Work




Lift a total of 7,000/5,000 lbs. overhead with any combination of any overhead movement.



Cooper Test

  • 12 minute run for max distance – to be done at a track.  Record total distance.


Power Snatch

EMOM (10) – Singles at 75% of 1 RM Snatch


High Hang Squat Clean & Jerk

EMOM (10) – Single at 60% of 1 RM C & J


Bench Press

5 x 50%, 5 x 60%, 5 x 70%, 5 x 80%, 5+ x 85%