800m run
30 box jump 30/24
25 Pull Up
20 Pistol
15 KB Swing 53/35
5 Power Clean 225/185 (Heavy! Quick singles)
(Repeat everything back up to the run)
(Scaling options: Pistols: lower to a bench or box, lift the heel with a small plate. HSPU: wall walks or stack abmats, try to get used to this movement and being upside down, challenge yourself! With your power cleans, choose a high percentage 85-93%. A weight that you can keep good form, perform a rep, take a deep breath, reset, and do another rep. Nice, smooth, quick singles)
Post WOD work:
Trunk/Core: AFAP 50 GHD Sit-ups
Olympic: 10 min to find 1rm Snatch