*Reminder no 6 30PM class today*
1. Going to change up goat day a bit.
You are going to pick from the following option based off of greatest weakness or what you want to work on the most.
Metabolic conditioning
Olympic lift
Once you picked your category your WOD will be the following.
Metcon =
3 rounds for time
400M run
21 kb swings (53/35)
12 pull ups
Gymnastic =
15 minute amrap of “Mary”
10 pistol squats
15 pull ups
Olympic lift =
Skill review snatch
then “Isabel”
30 snatches for time 135/85
Mary – 4 rounds even, blue band, used the box for support on the pistols and I was on the WALL for HSPU! SO excited! I used 2 ab mats and got my head down each round of 5. WOOHOO!