Tuesday 1/24/17

Kill Cliff and Fuel for Fire are back in stock! Perfect for recovery when you are on the go.
Kill Cliff and Fuel for Fire are back in stock! Perfect for recovery when you are on the go.


800m run
30 box jump 30/24
25 Pull Up
20 Pistol
15 KB Swing 53/35
5 Power Clean 225/185 (Heavy! Quick singles)
(Repeat everything back up to the run)

(Scaling options: Pistols: lower to a bench or box, lift the heel with a small plate. HSPU: wall walks or stack abmats, try to get used to this movement and being upside down, challenge yourself! With your power cleans, choose a high percentage 85-93%. A weight that you can keep good form, perform a rep, take a deep breath, reset, and do another rep. Nice, smooth, quick singles)

Post WOD work:

Trunk/Core: AFAP 50 GHD Sit-ups

Olympic: 10 min to find 1rm Snatch