In support of the NH Foodbank we will be doing Fran ladder style.
We will add the total number of rounds that each athlete reaches all day tomorrow and equate that to pounds. Example: 50 athletes WOD tomorrow each reaches at least 12 rounds. 50 x 12= 600.
From that point with the help of all of you and GSCF we will collect 600lbs of food and donate that to the NH Foodbank. Please do not make tomorrow your rest day, the more athletes the more we can donate.
“Fran for Food”
Go as far up the ladder as possible in 8 minutes
3 Thrusters
3 Pull ups
6 Thrusters
6 Pull ups
9 Thrusters
9 Pull ups
Clean: 135
Snatch: 85
Fran ladder, take two (ring rows): 15 + 11
Snatch: 90#
Clean: tbd