Friday 12.29.17 Thruster 1 REP MAX AMRAP (8) 5 SDHP (95/65) 5 Cleans 5 STOH WOD 2 100 Cal Bike For Time
Friday 12.29.17 Thruster 1 REP MAX AMRAP (8) 5 SDHP (95/65) 5 Cleans 5 STOH WOD 2 100 Cal Bike For Time
Wednesday 12.27.17 Back Squat 1 REP MAX WOD 21-15-9 Wall Balls (30/20) Chin Ups Box Jump Max Height (3 Attempts)
Friday 12.22.17 “12 Days of Christmas” Done in the same progression as the song 1 SDHP (75/55) 2 Thrusters 3 Push Press 4 Power Cleans 5 Power Snatch 6 Kb Swing (53/35) 7 Cal Row 8 GHDSU 9 Box Jumps (24/20) 10 Double-Unders 11 Burpees 12 OH Walking Lunge
Thursday 12.21.17 Strength Front Rack Carry 3 attempts to find heavy WOD 1 Tabata Sorenson Hold WOD 2 Tabata Anterior (Hollow) Hold
Wednesday 12.20.17 Strength Back Squat 4 x 4 @ 65% w/ 2 sec eccentric “Cindy” AMRAP (20) 5 Pull-Ups 10 Push-Ups 15 Air Squats
Tuesday 12.19.17 Strength Barbell Complex (20 min to find heavy) 1 Power Clean + 2 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Thruster + 2 Jerks WOD 1 Tabata DU WOD 2 Tabata Moutain Climbers
Monday 12.18.17 Strength Bulgarian Split Squat 5 x 5 – Build to heavy WOD 3 rds. 10 Wall Balls (30/20) 10 Walking Lunge with wall ball 10 Burpees
Friday 12.15.17 Strength Back Squat 4 x 4 @ 72% w/ 6 sec eccentric “Jackie” 1,000m Row 50 Thrusters (45/35) 30 Pull-Ups
Thursday 12.14.17 Pistol Practice WOD 6-12-18-12-6 Push-Ups Pistol Squat DB Snatch (50/35) TTB