October 2014

Dynamic Duo

Just want to give a huge shout out to Rayne and Neil for their outstanding perseverance. They graduated foundations in May, Rayne could only do a few pullps unassisted and Neil got 20 on his final day. Today after the WOD Rayne did 10 kipping pullups and Neil got 40! Congratulations on that huge pr. …

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Tuesday 10/7/14

1. Push press 5-5-3-3 +1 Drop to 70% of the last 3 and max reps 2. 12 Min to complete ; 4 rounds 250m row 15 kb swings 53/35 15 box jumps 24/20 With remaining time max rep double unders

Saturday 10/4/2014

In teams of 3 20 min amrap 400m run 5 rope climbs 30 power snatches 75/55 50 thrusters Athlete 1. Starts with run,while 2 and 3 begin on the round. Only one works at a time. When athlete 1 is back from run, athlete 2 runs while 1 and 3 continue rounds. Etc….