Thursday 10/9/14
1. For time 50 push ups 30 back rack lunges 65/45 40 push ups 20 lunges 95/65 30 pushups 10 lunges 115/85
1. For time 50 push ups 30 back rack lunges 65/45 40 push ups 20 lunges 95/65 30 pushups 10 lunges 115/85
1.Snatch pull + hang snatch 4×2+1 2. 8x 75m sprints 1:30 rest between sets 3.Front squat 3×5 across 4. Clean and jerk 7×1
Just want to give a huge shout out to Rayne and Neil for their outstanding perseverance. They graduated foundations in May, Rayne could only do a few pullps unassisted and Neil got 20 on his final day. Today after the WOD Rayne did 10 kipping pullups and Neil got 40! Congratulations on that huge pr.
1. Push press 5-5-3-3 +1 Drop to 70% of the last 3 and max reps 2. 12 Min to complete ; 4 rounds 250m row 15 kb swings 53/35 15 box jumps 24/20 With remaining time max rep double unders 3. Pull up test… Max number of kipping unbroken pull-ups 4. 6×5 Unbroken C2B 1
1. Push press 5-5-3-3 +1 Drop to 70% of the last 3 and max reps 2. 12 Min to complete ; 4 rounds 250m row 15 kb swings 53/35 15 box jumps 24/20 With remaining time max rep double unders
1.3×5 Back squats. Hold heaviest across 2. 5RFT 10 power cleans 135/95 10 burpees 3. Snatch 7×1 4. Clean pull to hang clean 4×2+1
In teams of 3 20 min amrap 400m run 5 rope climbs 30 power snatches 75/55 50 thrusters Athlete 1. Starts with run,while 2 and 3 begin on the round. Only one works at a time. When athlete 1 is back from run, athlete 2 runs while 1 and 3 continue rounds. Etc….
Saturday 10/4/2014 Read More »