July 2014

COMP WOD 7/16/14

Body weight back squat ladder rest 5 min 3/4 body weight push press ladder rest 5 min 1.5 BW deadlift ladder AMRAP :30/1:30 rest Clean and Jerks 3 rounds 225/155 3 rounds 185/135 3 rounds 135/95 3×12 GHD bench press

Tuesday 07/15/2014

Happy Birthday to both Coach Carla and Coach Bailey, Enjoy this one!! I even named it after the two of them. “Selfie” 3 rounds 7 C2B pull ups 15 box jumps 24/20 29 double unders then 3 rounds 7 C2B pull ups 15 Calorie Row 34 wall ball 20/14